2929 Lincoln Avenue
New Zion Baptist
The sanctuary at New Zion Baptist Church in Ogden, Utah. (Deniane Kartchner photo)
The religious community that became New Zion Baptist Church came to Ogden in 1918 and, first, bought land and built a church on Wall Avenue and 27th Street. When the congregation outgrew that building in the early 1950s it bought a new parsonage and vacant lots at the current church’s address. With only $100 in the bank, the congregation began construction, using more than 50,000 hours of donated labor and tons of material bought or donated. The cornerstone was laid in 1955 and the building dedicated in 1958, debt-free.
The first congregation was organized as a mission in 1916. The red-brick bungalow-style chapel was built in 1918 at 2701 Wall Avenue in Ogden and appropriately named Wall Avenue Baptist Church.
In 1930 the congregation called their own pastor and by 1952 had grown enough to need a new building. The organization became known as New Zion Baptist Church and moved to 2929 Lincoln.
"God has blessed us through these many years with members who have exhibited faithfulness, prayers and perseverance."
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